Dynamask Ext

OC_dynaMask_Ext is an extension for OC_dynaMask.

OC_dynaMask_Ext is a smart loader component that allows you to aply an endless variëty of animated transition effects

on external images and movies with just a single line of code.

To make your life even easier, the required code can be generated and previewed with the matching codegenerator. (included in .zip).

Simply check out the codegenerator and play around with the various settings to see what you can do with it.


  • Set number of Rows
  • Set number of Colums
  • Set Duration
  • Select effecttype
  • Select reference point
  • 8 different shape types
  • Endless possibilities
  • Completly actionscripted (= less KB)
  • Easy to use due the code generator
  • Callback option
  • over 30 types of easing
  • and much more.


Created using Swishmax

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OC_dynaMask is a component/ extension for Swishmax,

it allows users to create an endless variëty of animated mask effects,… with just a single line of code.

To make your life even easier, the required code can be generated and previewed with the matching codegenerator,

(included) making it powerfull, yet simple and easy to use for both novice and advanced users.


  • Set number of Rows
  • Set number of Colums
  • Set Duration
  • Select effecttype
  • Select reference point
  • Select easetype
  • 8 different shape types
  • Endless possibilities
  • Completly actionscripted (= less KB)
  • Easy to use due the code generator
  • External Imageloader extension available!!


Created using Swishmax

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OC Tween

OC_Tween is a motion and filtertween engine created for Swishmax.

It contains a collection of prototypes/ classes  that allows users to create an endless variëty of motion and filter effects on target objects.

The required code can be generated and previewed with the matching codegenerator.

It still is the only motion and filtertween engine created for Swishmax.


Created 2007 using Swishmax

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Interactive Map

This interactive allows users to add their own markers to pretty much any map, floorplan etc,..
and organize them in whatever order they like,..

It can have an unlimited number of categories and each categorie can have an unlimited number of markers.
Each categorie, -item or -group of items can have a seperate color for easy reference or just to highlight certain items.
Users can also add an image for each item.

The map images can be either embedded or loaded external, all data is stored in simple textfiles. (no DB required)
Items and/ or categories can easaly be added, adjusted or deleted via the build-in adminpanel.


Created using Swishmax & PHP

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Flash Content Manager

Flash Content Manager is a simple yet powerfull File Manager developed for Flash websites with external content.
It allows the user to update text, images, swf’s, mp3′s etc. directly via a browser-based system, without the need for any Flash or even HTML programming.

The FlashContentManager is a complete standalone application, providing users with all the necessary functionality to manage the external content of their Flash websites.Meanwhile the user keeps complete control over their design but can enjoy all the benefits of truly dynamic content.


Created 2004 using Swishmax & PHP.

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Flash Version detector

FlashVersionDetector is an application that helps users to detect the export version and dimensions of their .swf files.


Created 2006 using Swishmax & mProjector


Index Builder

Index-Builder is an application that helps users to create a Html page for their flash movies.

Users can set Background color, position their swf file, enter keywords and discription and much more.

It also contains a build-in version of the X-converter, for automatic activation of ActiveX components.


Created 2006 using Swishmax & mProjector


Flash ContentBuilder

FlashContentBuilder is an application that helps users to populate the external content for their flash sites.

Users can set textfield width, to replicate the textfield used in their website and get an exact look of how the content will be displayed.

FlashContentBuilder also includes:

  • Rich-Texteditor
  • IndexBuilder
  • Faviconverter
  • X-Converter
  • X-Replacer
  • Copy/ move file option
  • and more….

FlashContentBuilder allows editing of text files with either .txt or .html extension.

You can save your text as text or as htmlText.


Created 2006 using Swishmax & mProjector


Script&Bind Creater

OutCast**NL’s Script & Bind Creator is a tool that provides users with a fast and easy way

to create their own (Q3 engine based) game scripts. Users can write either a single KeyBind or a complete Script.

Each script can contain upto 5 Strings, each string can contain an unlimited # of Commands/Variables.

Available as webversion and executable


Created 2004 using Swishmax & mProjector

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Faviconverter is an application that will help users to display their own icon on the browser address bar

when visitors view or bookmark your web page !!!

Faviconverter automaticly generates the code to display the icon and implements the code into the selected web file

without the need of opening the file.


Created using Swishmax & mProjector
